International Advisory Council
The International Advisory Group (IAG) is the latest addition to IENE’s voluntary committee type structure. However, the role of the International Advisory Group is far broader as it seeks to include a much larger number of individual members from several countries.
The prime propose of the Group is to advise and support IENE’s management on regional and international issues. The group will augment IENE’s existing organization which already includes four scientific committees, namely: Energy Infrastructure (it covers oil and gas matters), Electricity, Renewable Energy Sources and Energy Efficiency.
The purpose of this new group will be to advise IENE’s management on a number of issues including:
(a) Collaboration with international and regional bodies
(b) The undertaking of initiatives including research programmes, studies and surveys
(c) Participation in regional programmes and task forces
(d) Event organization including the annual SE Europe Energy Dialogue
(e) Educational programmes
(f) Information dissemination
(g) Membership
In view of its international nature the IAG functions on the basis of a loose network of well qualified professionals in the energy field who are willing to share their experience and provide advice to IENE’s board as part of an ongoing process of establishing the Institute as the region’s leading energy think tank. Participation in the IAG is by invitation only on an honorary basis. IAG members provide their services on a voluntary basis, with IENE covering expenses on a need as required basis depending on fund availability. IENE will be able to draw on the Group’s expertise to assist it in specific projects and studies in progress or in the planning stage. IENE, on a need as required basis, may award consulting assignments to individual members of the committee or their companies in order to advance its work.
The Group meets at least once a year in one of the major cities of South East Europe and/or during the annual SE Europe Energy Dialogue in Thessaloniki or elsewhere. The bulk of the committee’s work is conducted electronically and proceedings are advanced on a virtual environment (via e-mail, through webinars and via skype) but also through teleconferencing when if necessary. The Group’s work schedule and day to day work will be conducted, supervised and coordinated by its chairman (not yet appointed) in close collaboration with IENE’s Executive Director. IENE’s secretariat will provide full backing to the International Advisory Group.
The IAG of IENE is still in the process of being set up with consultations in progress with its various members. IENE’s management is hopeful that the IAG will be fully operational by the end of March 2014. IENE members and associates interested to participate should contact directly IENE’s Executive Director at [email protected]
November, 2013