Energy & Development 2021


25ο National Conference «Energy & Development 2021»

«Energy Transition and Achievable Solutions – Global and Regional Perspectives »

Under the Auspices of the Hellenic Ministry of Environment and Energy

Divani Caravel Hotel, Athens, December 1-2, 2021


1st Day – Wednesday, December 1, 2021

09:30-11:30 - Session I (Introductory): “Energy and Development, a very strong relationship”.

  • Introductory remarks Mr. Costis Stambolis, Chairman and Executive Director, IENE
  • Introductory comments Prof. Pantelis Capros, National Technical University and Chairman of IENE’s Scientific Council (online)
  • Honorary Award to "Hellenic Petroleum" (HELPE) – Acceptance Speech by Dr. Spyros Kiartzis, Director of New Technologies and Alternative Energy Sources Division
  • Honorary Award to "TERNA ENERGY" – Acceptance Speech by Mr. Charalambos Charalambidis, Investment & Business Development Manager, Terna Energy SA
  • Video Message by the Minister of Environment and Energy Mr. Costas Skrekas, MP
  • Address by the Minister of Development and Investment Mr. Adonis Georgiadis, MP
  • Remarks by Mr. Ioannis Smyrlis, Secretary General for International Economic Affairs, Greek Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Chairman of the Board, Enterprise Greece.
  • Address by Dr. Athanasios. Dagoumas, Chairman of the Regulatory Authority for Energy (RAE)
  • Remarks by Mr. Sokrates Famelos, Member of Parliament, SYRIZA
  • Message by Mr. Doukas Christodoulos (Charis), Member of the BoD, Technical Chamber of Greece (online)
  • Message by Mr. Michael Siamidis, Vice President, Athens Chamber of Commerce and Industry

11:45-14:00 - Session II: “The Global Energy Scene”         

Moderator: Dr. Nicolas Farantouris, Professor of the European Chair Jean Monnet, University of Piraeus

11:45-12:30 - Part Α

  • Presentation of World Energy Outlook 2021, by Mr. Apostolos Petropoulos, Energy Modeler at World Energy Outlook team (IEA) International Energy Agency (IEA), Paris

12:30-14:00 - Part Β                       

  • Dr. Bassam Fattouh, Director, Oxford Institute for Energy Studies, Oxford, UK (online)
  • Dr. Charles Ellinas, Senior Fellow, Atlantic Council, UK
  • Dr. Leo Drollas, Independent Energy Consultant, London, UK (online) 
  • Mr. Tim Yeo, Chairman, The New Nuclear Watch Institute (NNWI), London (online)     
  • Dr. Narsi Ghorban, Secretary to the Environment and Energy Commission of the International Chamber of Commerce (Iran Committee), Tehran, Iran (online) 


15:00-16:30 - Session III: “Fit-for-55 and The Challenges for European Energy Policy”        

Moderator: Dr. Ioannis Desypris, Past Chairman of IENE and Director of Regulatory Affairs, MYTILINEOS SA            

  • Prof. Pantelis Capros, Director of E3M Lab, National Technical University of Athens and Chairman of IENE’s Scientific Council, (Keynote) (online)
  • Dr. John Tzortzis, Legal Counsel, Just Transition Plan (SDAM)
  • Prof Manolis Kakaras, NTUA & Senior Vice President and Head of Innovation & New Products, Mitsubishi Power Europe and Dr. Michael Agraniotis, Vice President, Energy Solutions, MPE
  • Ms. Liana Gouta, Group Director Energy Policy & International Affairs, Hellenic Petroleum and Chairwoman of IENE’s Downstream Committee (online)
  • Dr. Panayotis Papastamatiou, CEO, Hellenic Wind Energy Association (HWEA)
  • Ms. Eirini Terzidou, Research Fellow IENE


16:45-18:30 - Session IV: “The Energy Crisis and the New Electricity Market”

Moderator: Mr. Andreas Petropouleas, IENE Partner, Director of Energy Management, Elpedison SA

16:45-17:40 - Part Α

17:40-18:30 - Part Β


18:30-18:45 - Intervention by the Secretary General for Energy & Mineral Raw Materials, Hellenic Ministry of Environment & Energy, Mrs. Alexandra Sdoukou

18:45-20:30 - Session V: “Challenges and Prospects of the Energy Market in SE Europe”

Moderator: Dr. Nick Frydas, IENE Partner, Vice President, Grant Thornton Business Solutions

  • Mr. William Polen, Senior Director, United States Energy Association, Washington DC, United States (online)
  • Dr. Yurdakul Yigitguden, Independent Energy Advisor and Former Coordinator of OSCE Economic and Environment Activities, Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe, Ankara, Turkey
  • Mr. Slavtcho Neykov, Chairman of the Board of Managers, Energy Management Institute, Sofia, Bulgaria
  • Mr. Mihailo Mihailovic, Independent Energy Consultant, Belgrade, Serbia (online)
  • Mr. Aleksandar Mijušković, Advisor to the Executive Director, Coordinated Auction Office in South East Europe SEECAO (online)
  • Mr. Fadil Ismajli, Executive Chief, New Kosovo Electricity Company, Kosovo (online)
  • Mr. Shkelqim Bozgo, Managing Partner, SEA Consulting, Tirana, Albania


2nd Day – Thursday, December 2 2021


9:00-12:00 - Session VI: “The Energy Crisis and the Global and Regional Gas Markets” (Part Α & Β)

9:00-10:30 - Part Α         

Moderator: Mr. Costis Stambolis, Chairman and Executive Director, IENE

  • Dr. James Watson, Secretary General, EUROGAS, Brussels (online)
  • Dr. Michael Thomadakis, Strategy & Development Division Director, National Natural Gas System Operator (DESFA)
  • Dr. Gina Cohen, Lecturer and Consultant, Natural Gas Industry, Herzliya, Israel
  • Mr. Nikos Satras, Head of Natural Gas Business Unit, Motoroil
  • Prof. Andrey Konoplyanik, Adviser to Director General, Gazprom export LLC, Co-chair from the Russian side of the Work Stream 2 “Internal Markets” of the Russia-EU Gas Advisory Council (online)

10:30-12:00 - Part Β       

Moderator: Mr. Thomas Lamnidis, ΙΕΝΕ Partner and Member of IENE’s Executive Committee, Lawyer, Lamnidis Law

12:15-12:30 -A discussion between Prof. George Stathakis, former Minister of Environment and Energy and Costis Stambolis, Chairman of IENE

Session VII: “Renewables, Energy Efficiency and Co-production” (Part Α & Β)

12:30-13:30 -Part Α

Moderator: Mr. Konstantinos Theofylaktos, Secretary General of IENE and Chairman of the Institute’s Energy Efficiency Committee

13:30-14:30 - Part Β

Moderator: Mr. Nikos Sofianos, IENE Partner and Chairman of the RES Committee, Independent Energy Consultant

  • Mr. John Giarentis, Chairman and CEO, DAPEEP (Keynote)
  • Mr. Panagiotis Ladakakos, President, Hellenic Wind Energy Association (HWEA)
  • Dr. Stelios Loumakis, President, Hellenic Association of Photovoltaic Energy Producers (SPEF)
  • Mr. Elias Kakiopoulos, Secretary General, Greek Association of Micro Hydro Power
  • Mr. Souris Georgios, Head of Energy Efficiency Division, Hellenic Ministry of Environment and Energy


15:00 – 16:00 -Session VIII: “Electric Mobility and Smart Grids”   

Moderator: Dr. Dionisis Xenos, IENE Partner and Member of the Institute’s Executive Committee, Environmental Consultant         

  • Mr. Vasilis Rallis, Co Founder EarthIndex, Business Development Lead, Parity    Platform, Athens (Keynote)       
  • Dr. Athanasia Alonistioti, Professor, University of Athens (EKPA)           
  • Dr. George Ayeridis, Head of Division, Energy Efficiency Directorate, Centre for Renewable Energy Sources (CRES)               


16:00 - 17:00 - Session IX: “The Role of Hydrocarbons in Energy Transition”           

Moderator: Ms. Tereza Fokianou, IENE Partner and Chairman of the Institute’s Upstream Committee, President & CEO, Flow Energy SA

  • Dr. Efthimios Tartaras, Management Consultant, Hellenic Hydrocarbon Resources Management (HHRM) (Keynote)
  • Dr. Elias Konofagos, Executive Vice President, Flow Energy SA
  • Dr. Spyros Bellas, Senior Researcher, Institute of Petroleum Research (IPR), (former Vice President, Hellenic Hydrocarbon Resources Management)
  • Mr. Giannis Grigoriou, Partner, IENE, Vice President, Continental Europe Energy Council


17:15-18:30 - Session X: “Geopolitical and Geostrategic Parameters”      

Moderator: Mr. Christos Dimas, IENE Partner and Member of the Institute’s Executive Committee, Chairman of the Geopolitics Committee, Honorary President, Hellenic-Russian Chamber of Commerce     

  • Prof. John Maniatis, Proffesor, University of Piraeus, f. Minister of Environment, Energy and Climate Change (Keynote)
  • Dr. Marika Karagianni, Caspian Energy Expert, Democritus University of Thrace
  • Dr. Thrassy N. Marketos, Researcher, Department of Political Science and International Relations (PSIR) of the University of the Peloponnese, Visiting Research Fellow, IENE
  • Mr. Vasilis Nikoletopoulos, CEO, Natural Resources PC


18:30-19:00 - Award ceremony for the annual “ΙΕΝΕ-Prometheus” prizes to be given to individuals who have excelled in their respective energy field

  • Concluding statement by Costis Stambolis, Chairman and Executive Director, IENE