Greece’s Role Within the «Expanded South Corridor» Was Highlighted in Joint IENE-KEPA Event

Greece’s Role Within the «Expanded South Corridor» Was Highlighted in Joint IENE-KEPA EventOn March 5, IENE in co-operation with the Energy &Climate Change Policy Centre (KEPA) of the University of Athens, held an ad hoc Afternoon Colloquium to review latest developments in SE European gas markets and the “Prospects for an Expanded South Corridor”, as a number of major infrastructure projects are currently underway in SE Europe, which will facilitate the introduction and further use of natural gas in this broader geographical area

On March 5, IENE in co-operation with the Energy &Climate Change Policy Centre (KEPA) of the University of Athens, held an ad hoc Afternoon Colloquium to review latest developments in SE European gas markets and the "Prospects for an Expanded South Corridor”, as a number of major infrastructure projects are currently underway in SE Europe, which will facilitate the introduction and further use of natural gas in this broader geographical area.

The concept of an Expanded South Corridor includes all major gas trunk pipelines, LNG regasification terminals and UGS facilities which will feed gas into the system which will then be directed towards the main European markets. In addition, this expanded South Corridor with its multiple gas entry points and linked underground gas storages and LNG facilities, will provide the necessary gas quantities for the operation of regional gas trading hub(s) thus strengthening the security of energy supply but also enhancing regional gas trade.

The event, which took place in Athens University History Museum, located in the oldest part of Greece’s capital, began with an Opening Statement by Mr. Michalis Verroiopoulos, Secretary General for Energy and Mineral Resources, Ministry of Environment and Energy, focusing on the projects underway in Greece and the country’s strategic role within the framework of the "Expanded South Corridor”. This joint IENE - KEPA Afternoon Colloquium was co-ordinated by a well-known international energy security specialist, Mr. John Roberts, (Methinks Ltd, Scotland and Senior Fellow, Atlantic Council, Washington DC). Mr. Roberts also contributed his viewpoint on the interaction between the regional natural gas projects in SE Europe and the global energy environment.

Prof. Dimitris Mavrakis (Director, KEPA) and Mr. John Chadjivassiliades (Chairman, IENE) cotributed Opening Remarks on behalf of the organizers. IENE’s Executive Director, Mr. Costis Stambolis, analyzed the concept of an "Expanded South Corridor”, which was first broached by IENE in January 2015 (at the European Gas Conference in Vienna). IENE’s Head of Research, by Mr. Dimitris Mezartasoglou, from his part, described the role of LNG as part of the "Expanded South Corridor”.

A Panel Discussion followed, led by Mr. John Roberts, with the participation of Mr. Dimitris Manolis (Director of International Affairs, Greece’s Public Gas Corporation S.A. - DEPA), Mr. Spiros Paleoyannis (Managing Director of Medgas and More Ltd., Member of BoD, ΙΕΝE and former CEO of DEPA) and Dr. Marika Karagianni (Caspian Energy Expert, Dpt. of Black Sea Countries, Democritus University of Thrace). The discussion focused on the origin of gas volumes that are expected to flow through the TANAP-TAP gas pipeline system in 2020, and beyond this date, apart from Azeri gas.

Upon conclusion of the Afternoon Colloquium, the participants had the opportunity of a guided tour of the Athens University History Museum, which resides in the first building ever to host the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece’s oldest University.

Public Gas Corporation of Greece (DEPA) S.A. was the sponsor of this Afternoon Colloquium, whereas Greece’s leading energy portal, Energia.Gr, was the event’s media partner.

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COOPERATING ORGANISATIONS IEA Energy Institute Energy Community Eurelectric Eurogas Energy Management Institute BBSPA AERS ROEC BPIE