8. Funding Instruments and tools for Energy Transition, Green Bonds

As of January 2021, IENE was confirmed by the Climate Bonds Standard Board as an Approved Verifier under the Climate Bonds Standard

As of January 2021, IENE was confirmed by the Climate Bonds Standard Board as an Approved Verifier under the Climate Bonds Standard. Hence, IENE is expanding its services to industry by providing third-party verification, assessing the credentials of issued green debt under the Climate Bonds Standard and undertaking advisory work in this area.  

IENE’s verification role in the issuance of Green Bonds has been added to the wide range of services which it already offers through its research staff and its network of energy professionals in Greece and SE Europe. Now, through a selected team of expert advisory and assurance professionals, IENE is in a position to provide a new range of services, in connection with Green Bonds, especially providing Verification services to Issuers interested in receiving Certification under the rigorous Climate Bonds Standard.

Undoubtedly, Green Bonds can be characterized as key “green” funding instruments for the successful implementation of the Energy Transition process, which is already underway. 

IENE has included Green Bonds as one of its main programmes as it wants to study all aspects related to their issuance and their impact on project financing. IENE believes that Green Bonds could play a catalytic role in furthering RES, Green Hydrogen and Energy Efficiency applications in all countries of SE Europe over the next years.