Energy and Security of Supply Challenges at the Heart of IENE's 27th “Energy & Development” Conference

Thursday, 16 November 2023

Energy and Security of Supply Challenges at the Heart of IENE's 27th “Energy & Development” Conference

With Greece's Minister of Environment and Energy, Mr. Theodoros Skylakakis, as its keynote speaker, the 27th annual National "Energy and Development" Conference of the Institute of Energy for SE Europe (IENE), was held at the Divani Caravel Hotel in Athens on Novembver 14/15. The Minister's speech focused on the government's next steps regarding the challenges of both the green transition and the energy crisis in the new challenging geopolitical environment

In his address, Mr. Skylakakis focused on a number of issues, ranging from the country's international energy relations to the changes in the retail electricity market, which are due to take effect from the beginning of 2024.

The Deputy Minister of Environment and Energy, Mrs. Alexandra Sdoukou, also addressed the "Energy and Development 2023" event, referring, among others, to issues related to electromobility and energy storage, as well as to the national strategy on RES, as specified in the revised NECP, which was recently submitted by the Greek government for approval by the Commission.

The interaction of energy security with geopolitics and the challenges of transforming the energy sector were the two main aspects of the Conference, which was held at CEO and senior management level, with the participation of more than 75 distinguished speakers from Greece and abroad, representing business, research centers, academia and international organizations and well-known stake holders, while renowned experts and authoritative analysts made significant interventions.

The Conference was held under the auspices of the Ministry of Environment and Energy, the Ministry of Development, the Regulatory Authority for Energy and Water Waste (RAAEY) and the International Energy Agency (IEA).

The participants were welcomed, on behalf of IENE, by the Chairman and Executive Director of the Institute, who, among others, highlighted the issue of the compatibility of enhancing energy security with the effort to achieve the green transition goals, as set by the EU. At the same time, he underlined IENE's rich portfolio of research and study work, which this year celebrates 20 years of continuous operation.

Important addresses were delivered by the President of RAAEY, Professor Athanasios Dagoumas, Mr. Ioannis Giarentis, President of DAPEEP, Mr. Konstantinos Yazitzoglou, President of the Association of Mining Enterprises (SME) and CEO of GeoHellas. Interventions were also made by political party representatives and in particular by Mr. Nikos Mademlis, Co-ordinator of the Energy group of SYRIZA - Progressive Alliance. and by Mr. Frangiskos Parasyris, MP for Heraklion of PASOK-Movement for Change and Head of the party's Parliamentary Energy Sector.

In the second session, entitled "Energy Crisis: The Global and European Dimension", the presentation of the World Energy Outlook 2023 of the International Energy Agency (IEA) by the Organization's senior expert, Mr. Apostolos Petropoulos, took place with a lively discussion which followed.

Moderated by Mr. John Roberts, Energy Security Specialist, based in Scotland (UK), and Senior Research Fellow of IENE, a series of experts commented on the findings and conclusions of the IEA's World Energy Outlook 2023 but also more generally on current energy developments and their interdependence with today's quasi-explosive geopolitical conditions, which, in fact, they take place in the wider region of SE Europe and the Eastern Mediterranean. In particular, the panel of this session was attended by Dr. Charles Ellinas (Senior Fellow, Atlantic Council, UK and Visiting Research Fellow, IENE), Dr. Leo Drollas (Independent Energy Consultant, London, UK – online), Mr. Slavtcho Neykov (Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Energy Management Institute, Bulgaria), Dr. Yurdakul Yigitguden, Independent Energy Advisor and former OECD Economic and Environmental Activities Coordinator in Europe, and Visiting Research Fellow, IENE, Turkey), as well as Dr. Amit Mor (CEO, ECO Energy Financial and Strategy Consulting and IENE Partner, Israel – online).

The Conference's third session focused on "The New Geopolitical Parameters and Energy Security: EU and Greece", moderated by Mr. Lambros Kalarrytis, Journalist at Parapolitika Newspaper. The speakers in the session's first part included Dr. Thrassy Marketos, Visiting Professor of Western Eurasia Geopolitical Energy Security, Research Associate a the Department of Economics, University of Peloponnese, as well as Visiting Research Fellow of IENE, Dr. Konstantinos Filis, Director General of the Institute of International Relations and Associate Professor & Director at the American College of Athens, and Dr. Yannis Maniatis, Professor at the University of Piraeus and former Minister of Energy and Climate Change.

Mr. Costas Mitropoulos (President, Intergalactic Services SA, Greece), Dr. Michalis Thomadakis (Director of Strategy & Development, Hellenic Gas Transmission System Operator -DESFA SA), Mr. Christos Dimas (Deputy Chairman of IENE & Chairman of IENE’s Geopolitics Committee) and Dr. Nikolaos Kokkalakis (Principal, Strategy Technics, Greece), were the speakers of the session's second part.

Furthermore, in the 4th session on "Overview of Electricity Markets in SE Europe", senior executives from the energy sector, from Greece and abroad participated, including Prof. Pantelis Biskas, (Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece), Mr. Meric Emre Aydin (Director, Market Operations Energy Exchange Istanbul - EPİAŞ, Turkey), Mr. Konstantin Konstantinov (CEO, IBEX, Bulgaria), Mr. Vasileios Gkountis (Director, Energy Market Management, IPTO – ADMIE, Greece), Mr. Shkelqim Bozgo (Managing Partner, SEA Consulting, Albania), and Mr. Arben Kllokoqi (Director for Electricity Market Design, EFET). The session was moderated moderated by IENE's Chairman, Mr. Costis Stambolis.

During the 5th session on "How Competitive is the Electricity Market in Greece", the speakers included Mr. Andreas Petropouleas (Director of Energy Management, ELPEDISON, IENE Partner and Chairman of IENE’s Electricity Committee), Mr. Miltos Aslanoglou (Director General, Greek Energy Suppliers Association – ESPEN), Mr. Athanasios Ghikas (Electrical Engineer, General Manager of, Founder of Clarus ESCo), Mr. Antonis Kontoleon (President, Association of Industrial Energy Consumers - EVIKEN, Greece), and Ms. Sofia Politopoulou (Director of the Regulatory Affairs, HEDNO, VC SAG DSO Entity, IENE Partner and Member of the Executive Committee of IENE). The session's moderator was Mr. Harry Floudopoulos, Journalist at

The second day, Wednesday, November 15, of the 27th IENE Conference began with a session dedicated to hydrocarbon exploration and production and the policy steps to be taken in this field in Greece. Speakers in tihs session included Dr. Konstantinos Nicolaou, Vice President of Energean in Greece and Partner of IENE, Mr. Yiannis Gregoriou, Vice President of the Continental Europe Energy Council (CEEC) and Mrs. Katerina Tsiona, Lawyer - Legal Expert on Energy Law of the Hellenic Management Company of Hydrocarbons and Energy Resources S.A. (EDEYEP). The session was moderated by Mr. Christos Dimas, Deputy Chairman & Chairman of IENE’s Geopolitics Committee.

This was followed by the 7th session, on "Renewable Energy Sources, High Penetration, Storage, PPAs and Network Management", which was moderated by Mr. Nikos Sofianos (Energy Consultant, IENE Partner, Member of the Executive Committee of IENE and Chairman of IENE’s RES Committee). Dr. Mustafa Tiris (General Manager, TDinamik Energy, Turkey), Mr. Zisimos Mantas (Head of Project Development and Licensing, MORE Energy, Greece), Mr. Ypatios Moysiadis (Managing Partner, Renewable Energy Expert, Wattcrop, UK), Mr. Richard Scott, (Partner Renewables, Oneglobal, UK) were the speakers of the session's first part, while the second part included Dr. Stelios Loumakis (President, Hellenic Association of Photovoltaic Energy Producers – SPEF), Mr. Panagiotis Ladakakos (President, Hellenic Wind Energy Association - ELETAEN), and Dr. Spyridon Economou (Managing Director, Eunice Hydrogen Technologies).

The 8th session, moderated by Mr. Konstantinos Theofylaktos, Secretary General of IENE and Chairman of the Institute’s Energy Efficiency Committee, included, as speakers, Professor Konstantinos Mathioudakis, Director of the Laboratory of Thermal Turbomachinery of the School of Mechanical Engineering of NTUA, Dr. Konstantinos Balaras, Research Director of the Institute for Environmental Research and Sustainable Development of the National Observatory of Athens, and Mr. Ioannis Georgousis, CEO of NOVATECH.

The strategic role of natural gas and LNG in global and regional energy supply was the subject of the 9th session. In the first part, which was moderated by Mr. Mr. John Roberts, Ms. Maria Rita Galli (CEO, DESFA), participated along with Mr. George Polychroniou (Executive Director, Strategy & Business Development, DEPA Commercial SA), and Dr. Spyros Paleoyannis (Managing Partner, Medgas & More Services Ltd, former CEO, DEPA). In the second part of this session participants included Ms. Vasiliki Stamatopoulou (Corporate Strategy and Development Director, DEPA International Projects), Mr. Alexandros Lagakos (Chief Operating Officer Blue Grid Gas & Power SA, Greece), and Mr. Vasilis Gaganis (Natural Gas Motor Oil (HELLAS) Corinth Refineries S.A.). The session was moderated by Harry Floudopoulos, a well respected financial journalist.

Entitled “The Critical Role of New Technologies in the Energy Transition” the 10th session was also divided in two parts, both moderated by Mr. Harry Floudopoulos., a well-respected financial journalist. In the first part, dedicated to hydrogen, the speakers included Mr. Dimitris Triantafyllopoulos (Managing Director, Hellenic Hydrogen S.A.), Dr. Nikolaos Koukouzas (Research Director, Centre for Research and Technology Hellas – CERTH), Mr. Antonis Koumpias (Associate, Energy Infrastructure, KG Law Firm) and Dr. Spyros Kiartzis (Manager New Technologies & Alternative Energy Sources HELLENiQ ENERGY). The speaker's of the second part were Mr. Konstantinos Manganiotis (Director of the Measurement Division, Network Division, HEDNO), Dr. Dionysis Xenos (Environmental Consultant, Partner, IENE), Mr. Panos Zachariadis (Technical Director, Atlantic Bulk Carriers Management Ltd., Greece), Dr. Nikolaos Liapis (Energy and Business Consultant, Managing Partner ActaNonVerba, Greece), and Dr. Theodoros Terzopoulos (Coordinating Director, Strategy & Distinguished Corporate Affairs, DEDA, IENE Partner).

The Conference's 11th session, examined the role of innovation and startup companies in Greece. It was moderated by Prof. Theodoros Panagos, Managing Partner at Panagos-Spiliopoulou Law Firm, Greece, and included, among its speakers, Dr. Stelios Bikos (Administrator, Energy Competence Centre, Greece), Mr. Vasilis Rallis (Managing Partner, Indigo, Visiting Research Fellow, IENE, Greece), Prof. Ioannis Hadjigeorgiou (Vice-Rector for Research and Lifelong Learning, National

Technical University of Athens – NTUA), Mr. Konstantinos Hadjifotis (Director of European Affairs, MOTOROIL, Greece), and Ms. Angelina Bintoudi (Chief Executive Officer, Optimems).

The last session, on "Energy Investments, Employment and Economy", was moderated by Mr. Gus Papamichalopoulos, Senior Partner at KG Law Firm and Partner of IENE. Speakres included Prof. Panagiotis Liargovas (President & Scientific Director, Centre of Planning and Economic Research - KEPE, Professor, Department of Economics, University of Peloponnese), Mr. Alexandros Panagiotakis (Head of Project Finance, Piraeus Bank), Prof. Napoleon Maraveyas (School of Economics and Political Sciences, Department of Political Science & Public Administration, Director of the Research Center for Economic Policy, Governance and Development, National & Kapodistrian University of Athens), Dr. Nicolas Farandouris (Professor of the European Chair Jean Monnet, University of Piraeus, Greece) and Mr. Yiannis Vougiouklakis (Director of Strategy, PwC, Greece).

The proceedings of this year's "Energy and Development" came to end with concluding remarks by the Chairman of IENE, Mr. Costis Stambolis, who thanked the speakers and the delegates for their participation in yet another successful and fruitful event by IENE. He also warmly thanked the Sponsors and Supporters of the Conference, without whose actual support and encouragement as the pointed out, this conference could not have take place. The group of sponsors and supporters included the following companies:

Strategic Sponsor of the 27th IENE National Energy Conference "Energy and Development" was Motor Oil.

Sponsors of the event were the companies Helleniq Energy, Elpedison and TERNA Energy.

Supporters were Energean, the Hellenic Gas System Operator (DESFA) S.A., Mytilineos Group, DEPA Trading S.A., the law firms Kyriakides-Georgopoulos (KG Law Firm) and Tzannini and Associates (Eugenia Gianini and Associates), ADMIE, as well as EnSCo energy services company.

Task Supporters of the Conference were Copelouzos Group and Cenergy Holdings.

Media Sponsors of the 27th National Conference "Energy and Development" were the the portal, as well as the websites NE Global, EnergyPress,, Foreign Affairs - Hellenic Edition, and Naftemporiki TV.

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