15th South East Europe Energy Dialogue Material Now Available

Friday, 05 July 2024

15th South East Europe Energy Dialogue Material Now Available

On June 19/20 the Institute organised with great success the 15th SEE Energy Dialogue, which was held at the MET Hotel in Thessaloniki, attracting considerable attention from all countries in South East Europe

On June 19/20 the Institute organised with great success the 15th SEE Energy Dialogue, which was held at the MET Hotel in Thessaloniki, attracting considerable of attention from all countries in South East Europe.

The complete material from the “15th South East Europe Energy Dialogue” has now been uploaded on IENE’s microsite which reader’s may find here. This includes all addresses and presentations, the Background Paper and most importantly the Rapporteur's Report. Also, available is the visual material (i.e. photo gallery) from the conference which you may find here and the video from each session. The videos can be seen through IENE’s YouTube channel which you may access here.

Some 46 speakers, panelists and moderators participated in the 15th SEE Energy Dialogue in addition to 100 delegates, who participated in person and online. The 15th SEE Energy Dialogue attracted extensive media attention with write ups and interviews published ahead of the event and afterwards.

The 15th SE Europe Energy Dialogue, organized by the SE Europe Energy Institute and held under the auspices of the Greek Ministry of Energy and Environment, was supported by a group of leading companies and entities in energy supply and services. Sponsors and supporters of the conference included the HELLENiQ ENERGY Group, Motor Oil, the Hellenic Natural Gas System Operator (DESFA), KG Law Firm, the energy company Elpedison, the Hellenic Hydrocarbons and Energy Management Company (EDEYEP) S.A., Gastrade, ZeniΘ, the energy trading company EnSCo, Grant Thornton, and the Regional Electricity Control Center of SE Europe (SELeNe CC) based in Thessaloniki.

Supporting organizations included the International Hellenic University (IHU) in Thessaloniki, the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (AUTH), and the British Hellenic Chamber of Commerce.

Media sponsors for the event were the energy portal Energia.gr, NEGlobal.eu, SeeNews, allazorevma.gr, and the Policy Journal.


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