13th SEE Energy Dialogue to focus on “Energy Security, Market Operation and Sustainability in SE Europe”

13th SEE Energy Dialogue to focus on “Energy Security, Market Operation and Sustainability in SE Europe” IENE’s long established event, the “SE Europe Energy Dialogue”, this year is to be held on June 16 - 17, 2022 in Thessaloniki in hybrid form. The purpose of this regional forum, which is being organized by IENE with the support of leading international and regional organizations and major energy companies, is to bring together high-ranking government officials, senior business executives and energy experts from all countries of S.E. Europe and beyond.

IENE’s long established event, the “SE Europe Energy Dialogue”, this year is to be held on June 16 - 17, 2022 in Thessaloniki in hybrid form. The purpose of this regional forum, which is being organized by IENE with the support of leading international and regional organizations and major energy companies, is to bring together high-ranking government officials, senior business executives and energy experts from all countries of S.E. Europe and beyond. The objective being the exchange of information and ideas, networking and the furthering of co-operation between governments and key energy companies and organizations for the tackling of increased regional energy and environmental challenges. Of paramount importance is the effort to be undertaken during the “Energy Dialogue”, for the formulation of concrete proposals for addressing these issues.

The special theme for this year’s SEEED, “Energy Security, Market Operation and Sustainability in SE Europe”, reflects the serious challenges which are being faced today by the regions’s energy sector. Energy security and a competitive price environment emerge as topics of prime importance for energy policy in the region and beyond. Furthermore, the “SE Europe Energy Dialogue” gathering next June is highly topical given EU’s major drive to lessen Europe’s dependence on Russian oil and gas while maintaining its focus on decarbonization and Green Deal targets.

Europe's, and particularly SE Europe’s, high dependence on fossil fuels, the current volatile energy price environment, the global concern for the development of viable alternatives and the need to promote further carbon free solutions emerge as key policy issues. As usual the “Energy Dialogue” will also cover the latest developments in the region’s evolving natural gas, electricity and RES markets and the ongoing energy partnerships with major oil and gas suppliers. Furthermore, IENE’s background paper paper on “Energy Security, Market Operation and Sustainability in SE Europe”, to be released in advance, will help guide the Dialogue’s proceedings.

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COOPERATING ORGANISATIONS IEA Energy Institute Energy Community Eurelectric Eurogas Energy Management Institute BBSPA AERS ROEC BPIE